How to motivate your team with simple words?


I recently read an interesting article on, written by Daskal, about phrases and words that leaders should use more often to motivate their team. I am going to take the liberty of quoting some ideas from the article: “12 easy phrases to improve your leadership”, adding personal comments and including my own ideas.

" Leadership is not about telling people what to do or controlling their every action and then allocating annual rewards or punishments. "

Today, any leader should be a role model for his or her organization. A leader must establish a vision and share a goal in order to achieve, and set, the boundaries of individual actions. Leaders must bring out the best in people and ensure that everyone acts according to the common values!

Motivational words and phrases

Engaged people are more motivated and achieve more. To reach this, leaders have to do more than what we mentioned above. They need to relate to their colleagues and team members. By using the following phrases or words in the office, they prove they have their heart in the right place.

“Please”, “thank you”, “well done”, “what do you think?”, “I’m sorry” or “I don’t know” are typical phrases to achieve this. Let’s discuss some of these great words and sentences!

Thank you

People need appreciation and thrive on recognition. It is sometimes the only reward they’re looking for. Even your best contributors really appreciate a sincere “thank you”.


Treating people with respect should be a basic attitude. Asking someone to perform a task can be done with respect regardless of what should be done. Many people seem to forget about this and find it normal to give orders.

I’m sorry

Nobody is perfect, and this includes people who take the lead or risks – nobody should be expected to be flawless.
Leaders, who understand this and who apologize for their mistakes, will gain respect and inspire their people to take action, as they acknowledge that making a mistake is not the end of the world.

I sympathize with you

If you show empathy, your colleagues will feel better and will have a stronger commitment towards the organization you represent.

I trust you

These are the most important three words to say in order to enhance your people’s confidence and to give them the power to act.

I don’t know

We are still looking for the person who knows it all! By saying that you do not have the answers to all the questions, you give other people the opportunity to participate and give them confidence as they, too, do not know all the answers.

Let's get started

These simple words can contribute to the creation of a strong and positive company feeling. Of course, the words must be said with conviction. I dare to insist that we should all use these types of words or phrases to create a better business world.

Do you have ideas or comments you can share LinkedIn or Facebook ? Don’t hesitate to share them with us. Thank you.


Andrea Leroy

As Marketing & Communication Officer, I passionately strive to highlight Axis to its rightful merit!