The future of HR

retention, meaning, growth and sustainability

Axis Group organized a conversation around the challenges of today's labor market. Attracting and retaining qualified employees, prioritizing well-being and work-life balance, and dealing with diversity and generational mix in the workplace are forcing companies to adapt their approaches.

Insights from the field

AON, AG Insurance and Axis Group will take you through a series of panel discussions on the current world of work, and together we'll explore a variety of topics shaping the future of work.

Below you will find the full panel discussion but the different topics can also be accessed separately in the 'Current HR Issues' menu.

From collective intelligence to generational mix, recruitment based on skills and attitude, and engaging employees through project-based work. Learn how pooling knowledge leads to innovative solutions and managing generations into an inclusive work environment. Discover why skills and attitude are critical to successful recruitment

Explore strategies to increase engagement and loyalty of the new generation of employees and retain talent. Learn why recalling former employees attracts valuable talent. Discover how challenging projects motivate employees and increase autonomy. Broaden your knowledge about flexible contracts and salary structures. Explore sustainable business and the role of HR over time.

Current HR issues

Explore the dynamics of the job market and stay ahead in this time of constant change.
Watch separate excerpts from the panel discussion here.

  • Future-proof HR: discover Axis Group's innovative approach

    The presence of 4 generations in the workplace presents a challenge for collaboration, but Axis applies the money-mind-heart principle to consider the dimensions of money, intellect and well-being. Implementing collective intelligence has yielded positive results in terms of internal functioning, employee retention and customer relations.

  • Recruitment based on skills and attitude

    Discover how AG Insurance, Axis Group and AON are breaking new ground in the recruitment process, emphasizing cultural fit, soft skills and employee development, leaving traditional selection criteria behind. Learn how these forward-thinking companies are putting people first and embracing the value of intuition and networking in their HR policies.

  • Boomerang employees

    Explore the value of boomerang employees and find out how companies such as Axis Group, AG Insurance and AON are embracing diverse career paths, where employees learn from external experiences, organic promotions are encouraged and training is central to job enrichment.

  • Alternative salary packages and contract forms

    Learn how AON, AG Insurance and Axis Group are responding to individual needs and changing employee priorities by offering flexible pay packages and focusing on customization and diversity.

Onze HR diensten

We have a wide range of HR services to help you with the most complex challenges that come your way.

  • Selection & Interim

    Axis Career targets both young potentials and experienced professionals. We offer both selection and interim assignments, always with a focus on a specific niche market or profile.

  • Executive search

    Axis Executives focuses on talented executive profiles recruited by clients on a permanent basis.

  • Outsourcing

    Axis Projects quickly brings together the right professionals for specific short- or long-term assignments. The consulting experts are under contract with Axis Projects.

  • Learning & Development

    Axis Learning specializes in providing financial training, management training and specific coaching fully customized to your employees. Axis Learning also offers sector-specific training for candidates depending on the needs of the market.

  • HR support & advice

    Axis Advice is a part of our community platform that consists of all kinds of useful advice for employers on topics such as personnel management, HR processes, employer branding, etc. Employees can also go there for topics such as compensation, job application tips, career guidance, etc.

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