Articles in category: Hiring
Alternative salary packages and contract forms
Learn how AON, AG Insurance and Axis Group are responding to individual needs and changing employee priorities by offering flexible pay packages and focusing on customization and diversity.
Boomerang employees
Explore the value of boomerang employees and find out how companies such as Axis Group, AG Insurance and AON are embracing diverse career paths, where employees learn from external experiences, organic promotions are encouraged and training is central to job enrichment.
Recruitment based on skills and attitude
Discover how AG Insurance, Axis Group and AON are breaking new ground in the recruitment process, emphasizing cultural fit, soft skills and employee development, leaving traditional selection criteria behind. Learn how these forward-thinking companies are putting people first and embracing the value of intuition and networking in their HR policies.
The statute is subordinated to talent and expertise
We are currently in a time where there is a shortage on the labour market and we are faced with a mismatch between supply and demand. Can freelancing offer an answer to this and if so, in what way?
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