Train the Trainer

Training skills are vital throughout any organisation to provide a flexible approach to skills and knowledge development. It is essential, therefore, that companies complement the courses of external trainers with their own in-house trainers, who are available on an everyday basis.

This course provides the essential skills for anyone who provides training as part of their job. It teaches trainers to assess the needs of their audiences, develop a training approach, construct exercises, deliver and evaluate training courses.

Course Content

  • Understand the role of training and how it fits with other development activities
  • Develop training activities using a three-phase model of preparation, execution and evaluation
  • Define overall knowledge, skill and attitude-based learning objectives and the pre-evaluation measures required to assess success
  • Define behavioural outcomes including the standards, according to which they have to be achieved
  • Deliver input using an approach that ensures success
  • Develop interesting exercises and activities to reinforce learning
  • Give feedback and coach effectively
  • Evaluate the success of the training using a number of methods, from tests and role plays to post course workplace evaluation

Target Audience

All staff who need to develop and deliver training

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