Fun facts about Julie Mahaux

Is your company located in Luxembourg and do recruit with Axis as your HR partner? Then it is likely that you have already been in contact with Julie Mahaux, Country Manager of Axis Luxembourg.

Here are some fun facts about Julie you probably didn't know about.

Julie Mahaux

Age: 40

Place of birth:

Function Title:
Country Manager Luxembourg

Work location:

My life quote:
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." – Nelson Mandela

I have been working for Axis since

My favorite place to lunch near an Axis office is:
Ristorante Roma

My favorite song is:
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

I like to spent my Sunday:
Walking in the countryside with my family while watching a sunset

I’m always up for:
Travelling abroad, going on holidays

A fun fact about me:
I rather spent my day with the guys watching a football game in the stadium instead of spending it shopping with the girls.

If I have to compare myself with an animal, it would be:
A squirrel

My one word to describe Axis would be:

If I could choose a super power it would be:
Teleportation (to spare time, to do more things in one day)


Elle Fleurackers

Proactive & passionate MarCom Manager with a broad range of interests.