End of randsomware attack after payment

The ransomware attack at our ICT partner ITxx, that was discovered on Friday July 2nd, was the work of very specialized and sophisticated cybercriminals, says expert Geert Baudewijns of Secutec.

Because of the ransomware attack, Axis Group's data was encrypted, so we couldn't access our data and the functioning of our back office was severely disrupted. Despite the encryption of specific data relating to performance, contracts and payroll processing, our staff succeeded in paying the wages of our temporary workers correctly last week. We would like to thank them for their extra efforts last week.

The employment of our temps with Dimona declaration remained guaranteed and our offices remained operational.

In the interest of our customers, and because experts told us that there was no alternative, we paid the ransom. After payment ITxx received the encryption keys from the hackers to release the data.

Preliminary investigation results by Secutec indicate that no company, customer or employee data has been leaked.

We are in full restart with our data in a new, safe environment. In the course of the week all our services will be operational again in the same way our customers and temporary employees are used to.

If you have any questions about this, please contact our headquarters in Antwerp directly.


Griet Clymans