Fees and Commissions
Fees and commissions are extremely important in the fund industry. Yet the variety of both fees and commissions is practically unlimited. For this reason, understanding and calculating fees and commissions represent a major challenge for most fund administrators. This course describes a wide variety of fees and commissions and the ways they are calculated, as a means of helping fund administrators improve their daily operations. The course is very practical and includes numerous exercises.
Course Content
- Purpose and use of fees and commissions in the fund industry
- Front-end loads (subscription fees), back-end loads (redemption fees) and “no loads”
- Contingent deferred sales charges (CDSCs)
- Bid/ask pricing
- Performance fees, hurdle rates and high watermarks
- Methods of equalisation
- Other types of fees
- Types of commissions
- MiFID and inducements
- Calculating trailer fees
- Issues related to fees and commissions
Target Audience
Financial service professionals with at least 1 year experience in the fund industry who want to understand fees and commissions.